Project 6 - Character Animation (part 1 Research) - Initial sketches.
Once I had looked into body language I started doing some initial sketches of the spesific emotions we were told to do.
This was my first sketch for rejection. I made the head face down as if sad, and the body hunched with hanging arms as if depressed and hurt from being rejected. I also think the harms being limp shows a slight loss of pride, as if hes been turned away by a girl. I also made the step look like a slow extending walk to give of a slow sulking feel to the shape.
This was my second sketch for happiness. Its a simple jump, but lifting her legs back in joy, and her arms held high shows exitment and happiness, also having the face and head held upwards shows pride and glee within the image, all this compined makes the pose show obvious happy emotions, in quite an exaggerated way.
My third sketch was for boredom, the slumped shoulders and spread elbows creates a very lazy shape, with the hands holding the head up, it makes it seem like they can't even be bothered to lift their own head, which creates a very bored feel. I also think that making the head look upwards gives a bored feel because it's like they are day dreaming.
This sketch was for anger/irritation. I think this pose shows controlled anger more than anything else. The head pointing forwards and the high shoulders shows anger instead of confidence. The hands on the hips and spread out chest creates intimidation which shows that the character doesn't want to be bothered if they are in a temper.
This sketch is to show tiredness, I think this pose can often get mixed up with boredom. however, there is a few subtle differences, such as the head pointing downwards as if falling asleep, the shoulders are more relaxed due to lack of energy, and one arm is supporting the head while the other relaxes on the other arm, this shows no energy and they are close to falling asleep.I also did a number of other sketches by hand.
As well as this I went and sat in cafes and watched people and their body language, this was a big help to see how people look in real life situations. I took some pictures and drew from them.
In cafes most people look quite relaxed if not bored while they just sit and chat.
I also drew some other emotions from body language I've seen.
Anger, sadness, and shyness. I took pictures of myself and drew some of these from those picutres.
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