Wednesday 23 October 2013

1 Second Animation - Week 6

I made my 1 second for next week quite early because of all the other work I have to do.
I have based this 1 second on bonfire night because it is in a few weeks. 
I did this idea because I thought that it would be fun to make and would be different than just drawing fireworks. (plus I got to eat jelly beans and skittles afterwards) I used my camera and tripod pointing downwards onto my fake granite work top, because I thought the blue background with white speckles looked like a stars in the nights sky. 

I love how this turned out and think that putting sound with it made it come together really nicely. It was simple to make and fun as well, and overall I am happy with it. I think I could have positioned some of the jelly beans a little better. However, the wriggle effect they have makes it look quite alive.

I got the sound effects free from They are a great website! really easy to use and have loads of great music and sounds which will come in handy. 

All credit goes to them at.

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