Wednesday 2 October 2013

It's Wednesday night, and I've already done my 1 second animation for week 3. I have done my first walk sequence across the screen, now I'm working on the front view.
I think that my first walk cycle looks pretty good, and I am happy with it, I don't think there is any slide in the foot positions. I need to add arms but I will develop that further later in the week.
It took me longer than I thought drawing every image sepertate but it looks the best when It's done this way. I like using the key frames because it shows exactly how the figures going to move, I have tried doing it from start to finish frame by frame. However, my character genrally losts its shape and smoothness.
I think the front view is a lot harder to judge what position the character will be in but its looking ok. 

 side walk

For my animals I am going to try and do a Dog because they have a fairly even walk, a cat because they walk with quite long slow paces. and a horse to perfect different kinds of leg movements working together. I may try other animals as well if I have time.

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