Thursday 20 February 2014

Script writing

Script for 1 minuet film.

Once we had our ideas for our 1 minuet film we had to write an initial script. We wrote our scripts on a software called Celltx. I liked using celtx and I think it was easy to pick up and use. 
I thought writing my script was quite simple because I only had 2 scenes but keeping it short and to the point was quite hard.
Breakdown script
Once I had my final script finished I had to make a breakdown script so I could look at the different shots and camera angles. I liked doing the break down script because I found it quite interesting. Learning all the new terms for shots and angles was sometimes difficult to remember but I soon learnt them quite well. 
I liked doing my breakdown script. However, I thought that think up the different shot was a bit difficult and trying different camera angle to make it more interesting was also tricky, but it didn't take long for me to finish it.

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